Welcome to the Côr Meibion Maelgwn Male Voice Choir...


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2023/24: cwpl o Flynyddoedd Rhyngwladol

Yn anffodus, doedd hynny ddim yn golygu teithio rhyngwladol i’r Côr! Fodd bynnag, cawsom y pleser mawr o groesawu ym mis Mawrth 2023, y Virginia Glee Club, ac ym mis Mai, Côr Capel Coffa Heinz, y ddau o UDA, ac ym mis Gorffennaf 2024 Côr Meibion Perth o Orllewin Awstralia. Tri dull gwahanol o ganu corawl, a thri digwyddiad bythgofiadwy.

Dau ddigwyddiad nodedig arall oedd canu mewn cyngerdd elusennol ar ran Prosiect Island Reach, a helpu un o’n hunawdwyr, Stan Roberts, i ddathlu ei ben-blwydd yn 90 oed .

Ym mis Mawrth, 2024 cawsom wahoddiad i gymryd rhan mewn cyngerdd elusennol yn Eglwys y Santes Fair, Conwy. Ynghyd â’r canwr opera a’r diddanwr mordaith enwog, Anthony Stuart Lloyd, buom yn canu o flaen eglwys orlawn yn cynnwys pwysigion lleol a chynrychiolwyr Llysgenhadaeth Madagascar. Mae’r llong ysbyty, Island Reach yn gyrru’n araf drwy Fôr y Canoldir cyn croesi Camlas Suez , a chyrraedd Madagascar drwy’r Môr Coch. Dymunwn 'Bon Voyage' a thaith ddiogel iddi hi a'i chriw.

Yn yr un cyngerdd cawsom gyfle i nodi penblwydd Stan Roberts yn 90 oed ; Tenor ac yn dal i ganu unawdau! Mae Stan yn un o sylfaenwyr y Côr o nôl yn 1970. Dros y blynyddoedd mae Stan yn gyson wedi ennill y gwpan arian a gyflwynir yn flynyddol i’r aelod o’r Côr sydd â’r record presenoldeb orau. Ond y tro hwn, cyflwynwyd cwpan arian personol i Stan i goffau ei dros 50 mlynedd ffyddlon gyda’r Côr, ynghyd â photel o wisgi Penderyn gorau o’r ddistyllfa leol yn Llandudno! Yn ddiweddarach y mis hwnnw, trefnodd teulu Stan barti pen-blwydd mawr y gwahoddwyd y Côr iddo ac wrth gwrs canodd sawl eitem i ddiddanu’r gwesteion! Llongyfarchiadau Stan!

Wrth i 2024 ddod i ben mae gennym nifer o berfformiadau ar ôl cyn y Nadolig o hyd, gan gynnwys ein harfer arferol o ymweld â chartrefi preswyl ac elusennau eraill yn yr ardal i ganu carolau i’r trigolion, ac edrychwn ymlaen at flwyddyn brysur arall yn 2025.
I weld mwy o wybodaeth am y Newyddion uchod, ewch i'n tudalen Digwyddiadau i ddod.

Nadolig Llawen a Blwyddyn Newydd Dda oddi wrth Côr Meibion Maelgwn !

2022: a busy year for Côr Meibion Maelgwn

After a couple of very difficult years for all our members, friends and families, we are very pleased to be able to say that Côr Meibion Maelgwn had a very successful year in 2022.

After COVID-19 struck we lost several loyal and valued members to both COVID and other causes; we were without a Musical Director for a time; and, of course, we could not meet to practise or engage in concerts in front of audiences.

However, we have been delighted to be able to announce that Sian Bratch (our Accompanist for thirty years) accepted the role of Musical Director during the year, and has led us forward so that we have been able to achieve some thirty engagements last year.

2023 looks set to be another successful year for us with some exciting events happening throughout the year. Please refer to our Upcoming Events for more details.

In 2022 we sang at a number of different events: early in the year we sang at the opening of the new Marks & Spencer store in Parc Llandudno. The coffee and cakes provided by M&S were very welcome! Other events meant that we were delighted to be invited back to the Tynedale Hotel, where we entertain the hotel guests with a variety of our items, and similar returns to St. John’s Church and the Victorian & Christmas Extravaganzas in Llandudno. It was also nice to see American tourists returning so that we were able to entertain passengers from two cruise ships visiting North Wales, and finally we were able to return to our custom of visiting residential homes and other charities in the area to sing carols whilst wearing silly Christmas jumpers!

Tŷ Cerdd Emergency FundingSteven John Evans

Côr Meibion Maelgwn are very pleased to announce that we have been awarded a sum from Tŷ Cerdd Emergency grants: Restart.

We intend to use the grant to subsidise the costs of our return to a practice venue during the period before we can restart earning income from concerts etc..

We are very grateful to Tŷ Cerdd for their assistance in gaining this grant, and to publicise their assistance by attaching their logo to our website.

Arts Council of Wales Funding

Côr Meibion Maelgwn are very pleased to announce that we have been awarded a modest grant by the Arts Council of Wales: Support for Arts Organisations.

We shall be using the fund to assist with financial commitments during the period before we can restart earning income from concerts etc., and also to purchase a new transportable digital keyboard for our accompanists to use at smaller venues.

We are very grateful to the Arts Council of Wales for their assistance in gaining this grant, and to publicise their assistance by attaching their logo to our website.

Côr Maelgwn is awaiting the end of the Covid-19 crisis

Côr Maelgwn is awaiting the end of the Covid-19 crisis and looking forward to the future when we can recommence our usual full programme of rehearsals and concerts.

St David's Day concertcyflwyno siec

There was a good crowd at our St David's Day concert last Friday. Elgan was on top form as soloist.

Entertaining Americans

For some years the choir has entertained parties of over 200, Americans from cruise ships visiting North Wales and the choir will again during May and June be singing to parties at St Mary’s Church, Conwy and St John ‘s Church, Llandudno.

Welsh Weekend at The Tynedale Hotel

Annually in April the choir takes part in a Welsh Weekend at The Tynedale Hotel, Llandudno and the choir will again be entertaining guests on three weekends during April. It is a great opportunity for visitors to Llandudno from different parts of the UK to experience the sound of a Welsh Male Voice Choir. A hugely enjoyable entertainment.

Fantastic St David’s Day celebration last night

Fantastic St David’s Day celebration last night (Saturday, March 2nd) at St John’s Church, Llandudno, in the company of Stephan Lloyd Owen, Baritone and Celyn Llwyd Cartwright, Soprano.

The Church was absolutely full and the audience, which visitors from Australia, Germany and the United States, thoroughly enjoyed singing of the highest order by the soloists and the Maelgwn Choir, under the baton of Mererid Mair.

An evening to remember with everyone having enjoyed themselves immensely.

2020 will be a landmark year for the choir; we will be celebrating our Jubilee!

2020 will be a landmark year for the choir; we will be celebrating our Jubilee! Planning for the year has already begun and we look forward to organising and staging a number of special events to mark the anniversary. Details of these events will be appearing on this web-site.

2019 looks to being another busy year

2019 looks to being another busy year for the choir and our engagements booked to date, with more on the horizon, for the year can be seen on this web-site. In addition the choir will be fully committed to the Conwy National Eisteddfod of Wales.

2020 will be a landmark year for the choir; we will be celebrating our Jubilee! Planning for the year has already begun and we look forward to organising and staging a number of special events to mark the anniversary. Details of these events will be appearing on this web-site.

Singing Carols

As Christmas approaches, the choir will again be touring the area Singing Carols, which will Include Hafan Gwydir Extra Care, Llanrwst on Tuesday, 4th December at 3pm, and Llys Elian Residential Home, Old Colwyn at 7.30pm Thursday, 6th December.

On Thursday, 13th December, the choir will be at the Senior Citizens Xmas Dinner at the Llandudno Junction Community Centre.

Summer Events

With so many musical events having taken place over the summer, it is impossible to list them all.

Even with the August break, the choir has sung at a number of concerts, including raising monies for the National Eisteddfod in Conwy 2019 and also a wedding.

The choir especially sang at the Opening Ceremony of the World Federation of Chess at Llandudno, with chess players present from the USA, Africa and European countries. Their wish was to get a taste of Wales through the singing of a Welsh Male Voice Choir and they were really pleased with the singing.

The choir is busy preparing for its Annual Concert at Venue Cymru on Sunday, September 23rd, with the tenor Wynne Evans and the songstress Elin Fflur from Anglesey.

The tickets are available from Venue Cymru.

Celebrating a Special Birthday

The choir celebrated the special birthday of 90 years of Mrs Olwen Davies, Marl Farm, Llandudno Junction Saturday, 5th May, 2018. The choir entertained over 200 guests with songs chosen by Mrs Davies and a very lively and warm evening was enjoyed by everyone.

Annual St David’s Day Concert

The choir’s St David’s Day Concert has been rescheduled to 7.30pm Sunday, 18th March at the Holy Trinity Church, Llandudno – see Upcoming Events.

Concert at St Martin’s Church

The choir will be singing at St Martin’s Church, Eglwysbach on Saturday 24th March.
Concert starts at 7:30pm and the tickets are £8 available at the door.

£200 to Awel-y-Mynydd School

cyflwyno siecThe choir presented £200 to Awel-y-Mynydd School, Llandudno Junction, towards their travelling and overnight costs whilst competing at the 2017 Urdd Eisteddfod in Bridgend. The choir has a long association with the old school, Maelgwn, where the choir holds its practice sessions and the choir was very pleased to show their appreciation to the school and wish them every success at the Eisteddfod.

John Williams, Treasurer and Vide-President of the choir presenting the cheque

Upcoming events

The choir will be holding its Annual Concert at Venue Cymru on Sunday, 23.7.17. The principal guest soloist will be the renowned singer and broadcaster Aled Jones, together with the Canwy Music School.


On Saturday, 10.6.17, the Choir sang at Christ Church Heaton Bolton.

It was the choir’s first visit to Bolton and the church was absolutely full with many of the audience never having actually seen a live performance by a Welsh Male Voice Choir before. The choir received a standing ovation which capped a brilliant evening enjoyed by everyone.


Following a busy year, the choir’s diary is rapidly filling up and 2017 has all the makings of another busy year.

Keep visiting our web-site for more information.

Cheque to St David’s Hospice

Sponsored Walk for Air AmbulanceFollowing the concert with The Gentlemen Songsters at St John’s Church, Llandudno, the choir presented a cheque for £1500 to St David’s Hospice. A huge thank you to everyone for their support.

Charity Concert

21.5.16 - A successful and joint concert at St John’s Church, Llandudno, with The Gentlemen Songsters from the Black Country, in aid of St David’s Hospice, Llandudno. The church was absolutely full and the audience enjoyed the two choirs and the soloist Heddwen Lois Williams from Caernarfon, who also sang with her sister Mererid Mair, the Choir’s Musical Director. It is hoped to present hundreds of pound to the Hospice. The choir wishes to thank everyone for their support.


At it’s weekly rehearsal on Monday 25.4.16, our Chairman Arfon Williams presented Glynne Edwards, with the Cup presented annually to the chorister who has attended the most number of musical engagements.

St David’s Day Concert

A brilliant and thrilling evening Sunday 28.2.16, at Seilo Chapel, Llandudno, celebrating the choir’s St David’s Day Concert and farewells to Trystan, our Musical Director. Maelgwn Choir was at its best with the chapel absolutely full with over 700 in the audience, enjoying the riveting performances of Meinir Wyn Roberts and Elgan Llyr Thomas, with the delightful contribution of the Aberystwyth Male Voice Choir.

An evening which will stay in the mind for a very long time

St David’s Day Concert

The choir will be holding its St David’s Day Concert at Seilo Chapel, Llandudno at 7pm Sunday 28.2.16. It will also be a farewell concert to Trystan, our conductor of 15 years. The choir will be joined by the Aberystwyth Male Voice Choir and the soloists will be Elgan Llyr Thomas (Tenor) and Meinir Wyn Roberts (Soprano).

Tickets are £10 And available from Glyn Jones – 01492 879041

End of this year’s annual summer season of concerts

Last Thursday night, 29th October, the Maelgwn Choir brought to a close this year’s annual summer season of Welsh Male Voice Choirs concerts at the lovely St John’s Church in the centre of Llandudno. During the season some 10,000 people came to listen to choirs, making these concerts for many, the highlight of their holidays in Llandudno. Did you know that these concerts are number 9 in the things to do in Llandudno!

Maelgwn Choir will be opening the 2016 choral season on Thursday, 5th May and we look forward to seeing our faithful supporters and indeed welcoming new ones.

The Choir Sponsors the Piano Solo Aged 16 – 19 Years at the National Eisteddfod

The choir sponsors the Piano Solo aged 16 – 19 years at the National Eisteddfod of Wales in memory of Davy Jones, past conductor of the choir and the winner at Meifod this year was Math Roberts, Cwm-y-Glo, Caernarfon. Second was Gwenno Morgan, Bangor and third Elain Rhys Jones, Bodedern. Congratulations to the three.

Trystan Lewis announced his resignation as the choir’s Musical Director, at the choir’s Annual Concert at Llandudno’s Venue Cymru, on Sunday, September 20th.

Mererid Mair, B.Mus, MAThe very successful concert, was a fitting occasion for Trystan to announce his resignation after some 20 years membership of the choir, the last 15 as its Musical Director. During those 15 years the choir has twice won at the National Eisteddfod of Wales, the Annual North Wales Choral Festival and finalist of the BBC Choir Competition. He has led the choir at over 1000 concerts and at a variety of other functions, such as weddings, funerals and formal ceremonies. Additionally, the choir has performed under his baton worldwide in countries such as Canada, Ireland, Israel, France, Slovenia, Holland and Germany.

Trystan is held in very high regards by the choir, both as a friend and conductor and in wishing him well in the future, he will be sorely missed.

The choir is delighted to announce that Mererid Mair, B.Mus, MA, has accepted an invitation to be the new Musical Director. Mererid hails from Caernarfon and has been an accompanist with the choir since 2001.

Tour of Stuttgart, Germany

Early on the morning of Thursday, 27th August, 2015, the Choir, accompanied by their wives, partners and friends, fly out of Manchester Airport on a singing tour of Stuttgart, Germany. They will be based in Esslingen, near Stuttgart for 4 days and will be singing at Alte Schloss, Stuttgart and Burg Esslingen.

In addition to the singing, the choir will be visiting Heidelberg, one of Germany’s most beautiful cities and also Ludwigsburg, known as ‘Versailles Swabia’ and, to bring the visit to a close, the choir will enjoy a traditional German dinner in Esslingen and most probably hold an impromptu Welsh concert!

Wales Air Ambulance – fundraising walk

Sponsored Walk for Air AmbulanceMembers of the choir, together with wives and friends, recently walked around Lake Crafnant in the Conwy Valley to raise monies for the Wales Air Ambulance. The walkers enjoyed a 3 mile walk on a warm and dry day and will be presenting a cheque of £1600 to the Air Ambulance.

Photograph shows some of the walkers enjoying a break during the walk.

Awyr las//teamirfon

The choir has presented Irfon Williams of Bangor with £500 towards his fundraising campaign for Alaw Ward, Ysbyty Gwynedd, Bangor. Irfon’s late grandfather, was a Police sergeant in the Conwy area and a member of the Maelgwn Choir. His mother Eirlys, also sang as a soloist with the choir.